Summer driving tips for couriers

You may remember our post a few months ago in the depths of winter, where we looked at some of the best driving tips for couriers who were out on the road in the darkest and coldest time of year. Fast forward a few months and we are now in the height of summer and in something of a heatwave. Though many think that summer driving conditions are no where near as hazardous as winter ones, they can bring their own set of problems and issues. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the best tips for summer driving for couriers. These tips can also be used for anyone as they apply to general and everyday driving also.

1) Keep an eye on the coolant
Just as anti-freeze is important in the winter, so coolant is in the summer. Stopping your vehicle from overheating is a key thing. It can not only cause damage to the vehicle, but something as serious as a fire in the worst case scenario. Keeping your car, van or truck mechanically sound is just as important in the summer, so make sure you are in tune and on top of the internal workings of your mode of transport.

2) Ensure you look after your health
Not only does the vehicle need to keep cool, so does the driver. If you are driving long distances or in extremes of temperature having access to water and lots of cold drinks is key. Couriers are on the road for long periods of times and this can be difficult to ensure hydration levels are kept up in hot weather. Summer can be extra demanding on the body for those that suffer from hayfever. Constant sneezing, runny and itchy eyes can be a real pain and distraction when driving. Some medications used to relieve symptoms can make people drowsy which is an extra consideration which needs remembering.

3) Take breaks
It can be extra important to take breaks in the summer when driving. Winter driving brings a different kind of demand on energy and concentration levels, but so does summer driving. The heat and intense sunshine can all make us sleepy, feel lethargic and low in energy. If this happens when driving, it can be a dangerous combination. If you feel tired, stop and take a break. Ensure the window is open or some cool air is circulating in order to keep your concentration levels to optimum.

4) Keep your vehicle clean
Any mode of transport can become very dirty very quickly in the summer. Dust is one problem which makes this matter worse, particularly when the wind direction comes up from the south and scoops up dust from the African Sahara. Dirty vehicles can be dangerous because they can impair visibility – especially when this happens across the windscreens. Keeping the vehicle regularly clean can not only make it look better, but safer.

5) Check the tyres
It is not only the internals that need to be checked during the summer but also the externals too. Tyres can expand in hot weather due to the increase in heat. This can cause further problems if they are already damaged. The increase in pressure can potentially cause the tyres to burst which can be hazardous with serious consequences.

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