Category: Uncategorised

Nothing But Respect

Ever get the feeling you’re not being taken seriously? From car mechanics who patronise you to insurance companies who keep you on hold for half an hour before answering your call, we all have to deal with people who just don’t respect us. Even same day courier companies can be rude, aloof and uncaring. You […]

Time is Tight

Sometimes, even a same-day delivery isn’t quick enough! Earlier this month, we had just two hours to save the day for one particular customer. Penny has a visual merchandising business and was excited to be working on the opening of a coffee shop in Birmingham. But as is always the way with these things, the […]

Communication Breakdown

My dear old mum is lovely but a little eccentric. One of her stranger habits is that she never turns on her mobile phone. Or, to be more precise, she’ll turn her phone on to send me a message, then turn it off again before I can reply! As you can imagine, this makes communicating […]